🌐Connect with Bashar:https://www.bashar.org Atlantis is a legendary island🏞 first mentioned by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. Described as a powerful and advanced civilization,

Atlantis is said to have disappeared beneath the ocean🌊 in a cataclysmic event.🌠
Despite numerous theories and speculations, the existence of Atlantis remains a mystery, contributing to its allure as one of history’s most enigmatic and mythical lost civilizations.🌌

In this video Bashar brings in on his knowledge of the lost civilization of Atlantis.
Enjoy 🙂


Juergen Weber

Von Juergen Weber

Vor 30 Jahren wollte ich wissen ob Gott echt besteht. Ich verzichtete direkt auf Fleischkonsum und reinigte meinen Körper. Ein riesiges Opfer für mich damals. Danach durfte ich...

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