396 – 22.02.22
396 – 22.02.22 396 – 22.02.22 Channeling von Sandra Lau
5D | Himmel auf Erden
396 – 22.02.22 396 – 22.02.22 Channeling von Sandra Lau
NEO Retreat: Everything Has Changed with Patricia Diane Cota- Robles Register here (FREE) for the NEO Retreat: ==================Make sure not to miss a single video from the New Earth One…
Gateway,2:22:2022 And A Solar Flare,,,We Have A Lot Going On! Gateway 2:22:2022 and a solar Flare | We have a lot going on! | Lynne Rondell
Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are in the process of discovering new pathways, new entry…
395 – somit dein erweitertes Bewusstsein | Sandra Lau
Darum wird in der Neuen Zeit alles gut! (kraftvoll) Darum wird in der Neuen Zeit alles gut! (kraftvoll) | Linda Giese | Podcast
Mega Doppel-Portale + 180 Grad Wende 🌟 Die Antwort auf Alles 💛 Einweihungsweg des Neubeginns Mega Doppel-Portale + 180 Grad Wende | Die Antwort auf Alles | Einweihungsweg des Neubeginns
Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very satisfied with the progress that we can feel…
“Der Lügensumpf bricht auf” – Erzengel Michael, 19.02.2022
Ascended Masters Broadcasts: Vol 106. Archangel Michael. February 18, 2022 Ascended Masters Broadcasts: Vol 106 | Archangel Michael | February 18, 2022