This is a BIG week of profound new beginnings and activation of higher light! The Angels have a message for you in this video right here and now.

This New Moon on July 28th in the Astrological sign of Leo welcomes us into the Lions Gate Portal!

Learn more about the Lions Gate Portal here:…

This is a profound period of accessing higher consciousness and coming into alignment with more of the Divine Truth of you.

Learn what the angels most want for you to know this week in our Angel Card Reading here.

Crystals are an important theme for this week… Learn more about how to work with healing crystals here:…

More information in the descripton on YouTube

Juergen Weber

Von Juergen Weber

Vor 30 Jahren wollte ich wissen ob Gott echt besteht. Ich verzichtete direkt auf Fleischkonsum und reinigte meinen Körper. Ein riesiges Opfer für mich damals. Danach durfte ich...

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