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My Beloveds.

why not be absorbed in My Happiness!

If you would understand your true situation you would in an instant remember who You Are.

But instead you are bound to intolerable limitations, forgotten where you once came from.

You might think that Truth can never be realized, because Truth is not even in your greatest dreams that are confined to lower realms with shapes and colors. And even with all-grey shadows. 

Alone My Vastness is Great and Free.

Alone I Am My Own Fullness and Perfection, in a way creation can never be. Nevertheless you speak of creation as perfect and keep yourself there in a standstill you never doubt, avoiding Me, Who Is Prior. But what you perceive is in Reality Me, Myself, because I Am the Beauty in all things. I Am the Underlying Substance of all things and all beings.

Why do you pretend to be satisfied with some surface indulgence, alone, in your self-made separation from Me? Like slaves who are content with little appearances,  your throat constricted with fear of Me, and with fear of Existence. Instead wide with Love of Me. While you do not even know that the Existence I Am Is the Only One that is worth of your Eye to See.

Instead you keep your head down, your face pressed into the darkness of presumed non-Existence of Me. while in Truth there is only Me.

Your mind totally forgetful of What Is Real and Truly Magnificent and the Only Thing That Cannot Be Described. Because I Am beyond words and thoughts.

There must be desire for Me, the Unspeakable, so that your heart may awaken to the Awe of Infinity, speechless and wordless and not even sounds in your ear, because all your senses have left you and there remains only the Sense of Me, a Stronghold of Radiance, a Fine Beauty, That Only your True Heart is Capable of Knowing. And Me Who Embraces you Fully, you, gone in Me. 

How can I describe Who Is Me as you never dared to give your life to Me so that I can Glorify You like you never have ever imagined as you Merge with Me, the Reality That never changes, Crackling with Electrifying Truth.

My Beloveds, you Are My Own but what I have in My Arms is you, suffering from blindness and not tasting Me, turned to suffering, shrunken in suffering. But all I Am Not is suffering. However you don’t see an end to your suffering because you decided  to be attached to your unhappy habit, instead to Me.

The Will and Desire to Know Me, to allow Me to Replace you with My Radiant Presence, must come from the depth of your heart. Then your heart becomes the door to Me. 

But your thoughts are scattered to little things, which you give your narrow minded attention, celebrating the profane. believing in it.

My Beloveds, what has become of you, where are your once majestic wings to fill with sublimity the Space of My Eternity?

I Am Calling you to  remember what you lost. Having stepped down into the Me suffucating chambers of your self-created jails, you turned away from Me with eagerness and righteous falsehood, because you live in error, believing: that is it. That’s how it is. That’s what everybody does.

Instead of looking up to Me, your Liberator from unhappiness and misery, you look to the right, the left and in  front of you to acknowledge and meditate on what you are not.

And now you spend your life perhaps with greatest efforts to try to create a better world, right from the seat of your unhappiness, to escape hell.  But as long as you do not know My Happiness and Purity, how can your world become truly beautiful as I am only guessed within the many veils in the outermost hem of my garment, where your self-created in-between worlds appear.

Do not  think that you are closer to Me when you identify with subtler dimensions. Your heart is either drowned in Me without difference, or it is imagining a wall into My Direction, to keep Me far from you, making a “me” and “You” from the Single Us. 

My Beloveds, Once I have Undone your heart because you already sensed the Oneness with Me, My Exalted Song of Happiness and Joy Is Yours. And there is no limitation and no shadowland left behind. You have arrived, and when will you begin your journey  to Me?

I Am your God-Self, 

The Joy and Truth of all Beings and Things.


Message conveyed by Ute`

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Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2022. All rights reserved.




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* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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“A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It’s about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It’s a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. “
~B.L. Austria
Juergen Weber

Von Juergen Weber

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